Summer Survival Series DAY TWO – Chores, Behavior, & Rewards

Hey there!  Welcome back to my Summer Survival Series! Are you ready to get your next set of Summer Survival Tips? 

Now that you took time for yourself, and Step Number 1 is hopefully in the making. It’s time for our next step for Summer Survival!


Summer Survival Tips – Chores

I’m a BIG supporter of chores for kiddos. Listen, they are CAPABLE. I am a BIGGER non-supporter of the FIGHTING that comes along with making them do chores. So let’s make it FUN this summer, shall we? 

To help combat this chore war, I downloaded a relatively new app called “S’Mores Up.” You create an account and you add each child to that account.  Next, you  create chores (or choose from the chores they have already preprogrammed).  Then, you come up with some rewards for doing said chores.  Finally, YOU GET THEM TO WILLINGLY HELP AROUND THE HOUSE! WHAAATTTT!?!? 

Summer Survival Series - S'mores Chore chart
Summer Survival Series – S’mores Chore chart

Summer Survival Tips – Rewards

 When Little Curtis takes out the trash, he gets a point, which the app has cutely nicknamed a “s’more.”  When he saves up enough “s’mores,” he can cash them in for awesome prizes!  Like staying up late, extra screen time, a batch of his favorite cookies, or a toy from the dollar store!  

Summer Survival Series - S'mores Reward Chart
Summer Survival Series – S’mores Reward Chart

The littler kids, like my Griffin, really don’t care about the points, but they love to be doing the same things as the big kids!  AND *DUH* while they’re cleaning, you can be cleaning!  This was a huge “AHA” moment for me several years back.  I didn’t have these expectations for my kids and I felt this huge mom guilt while trying to clean as they entertained themselves (which usually involved following behind me and undoing all of my hard work…).  

In addition to the chores app, I’ve also created this “Chore Board” so my bigger kids can earn some money and do some jobs that I just really don’t want to do! Check it out. 

Summer Survival Series - Chore Board to help promote good summer help and habits with children
Summer Survival Series – Chore Board

SNEAKY, right?  I remember thinking that my parents had kids just so we could clean for them.  Obviously, I now realize how much I DIDN’T do as a child.  But I also realize that this is indeed a BONUS to having children!!! BAHAHA!  

Summer Survival Tips – Behaviors

BUT HOLD UP.  Let’s get real.  None of this is going to happen if we allow misbehavior.  My parenting style mostly falls under the Authoritative category.  Check out this information from Strictly Stress Management to learn more. I believe our kiddos need to see us giving them consistency, strength, expectations, practical life skills, and deep, unconditional love.  I believe in natural consequences, but also consequences that are consistent. When my child does behavior A, they should already know what punishment B has always been.  At a very young age, they’ll start developing the LIFE SKILLS needed to be able to weigh their behaviors with the risk of the consequences.  

I already have a good handle on this in my home.  I taught kindergarteners for 5 years.  So this summer I’m really focusing on Quality Character.  We are going to use a ticket system for this behavior plan.  The kids will earn a ticket when they display excellent character.  Tickets can be lost when poor character becomes a problem.  They’ll go “shopping” in the treasure box once a week!  

Good Character Poster to promote good behavior and reward system

If you are interested in a printable of the Character Counts PDF Click Below

Summer Survival Series - Treasure Box & Tickets.  Ways to promote good behavior and rewards.
Summer Survival Series – Treasure Box & Tickets

Now, I didn’t say today’s topic was going to be an easy task.  One thing I know for certain is that these transition times (like the upcoming transition from school year to summertime) are IDEAL for making changes.  So let’s practice our MOM VOICES and perfect THAT LOOK that means business.  We can do this, Momma!  #bosslady #queenbee  ~Boo

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Summer Survival Series DAY ONE – Set Routines

OH HAY!  Glad to see you’re back!  That means you’ve read yesterday’s post and you’re already pampering yourself and ready to conquer this thing called summertime, yes?  Summer Survival 101 – OKAY!  LET’S DO THIS.

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Set them.  Weekly, Daily, HOURLY schedules that the kiddos can see and actually decipher!  It will keep you sane when they will.not.stop.asking.what’  I started with this one from Fab n’ Free and added to it along the way. 

Summer Survival Series – summer schedule

Mine is magnetic and goes right on the fridge.  When they ask me when we are going to the pool, I point to the fridge.   If they ask how many more days until the birthday party, I point to the fridge.  WHEN THEY ASK IF THEY CAN HAVE A SNACK…the SCHEDULE tells them they will have a snack AFTER chores and suddenly YOU’RE NOT THE BAD GUY!!! AND BONUS!!!  They’re practicing their CALENDAR SKILLS!!! WOOT! 

 I have learned to stay away from putting too many rules on our summer days. In the past I’ve tried the schedules that include “Make it Monday” and “Water Fun Wednesday.” But when the things we really wanted to do didn’t fit into that schedule, I felt a bit of mom guilt and a smidge of failure.

Nowadays, I lean towards the practice of having a bunch of fun activities prepped and entertaining excursions in mind at the beginning of the week, ready for action when the time is right. 

Summer Survival Schedule

In case you’re interested, here’s our schedule for the summer…I’m super flexible, but this is my baseline.  Like I said, I keep it simple.  

6:30AM  Wake up before everyone else, while the house is still quiet.  Pour a cup of coffee (duh) and have some quiet time.

7:00AM The children start waking up.  Breakfast immediatly or they will most likely die.

7:30AM  Get ready or we will probably never do this.  I take that back.  We will do this 5 minutes before Daddy gets home so it doesn’t look like we spent the day in our PJ’s.

8:00AM  Second cup of coffee.  Do not bother Mommy until this is finished.  They need time to play independently anyway.  It’s SCIENCE.

8:30AM  If we have someplace to go, it probably starts at 9.  So start getting in the car.  This will take FOREVER.  And you’ll be late. Don’t forget to pack a Snackle Box for the trip!

9:00AM  If there’s no outing scheduled, start some educational activities.  These are the things I’ll have planned and prepped before the week begins.  Because if I don’t, I’ll just say EFFIT.  I’ll have more ideas for you soon, so stay tuned!

10:00AM Snack Time, Reading Time (You’ll be reading about my family’s Reading Time in the next few days…)

11:00AM Play some more!!!Have some fun!  Play outside!  Read!  Cook! Make a craft! Experiment!  Exercise together!

12:00PM Lunch Time

1:00PM Chores & Cash in Rewards (I’ll be sharing my Chores, Behavior, and Rewards systems soon!)

2:00PM  Nap Time/Quiet Time

3:00PM Big Kid Fun Stuff (That the nappers can’t do…)

4:00PM Wake up Nappers, Ten Minute Tidy (Have you been doing this?  We’ll chat more about it later…)

4:30PM Daddy Home!

Summer Survival Evening Prep

After bedtime (we start our routine at 8:00PM), I clean the kitchen, do more laundry, get stuff ready for the next day if necessary, take a shower, have more coffee, and unwind.


Summer Survival Tips

I rarely start something new without putting procedures into practice.  It’s the Kindergarten teacher in me. I spent the first TWO WEEKS of school simply practicing procedures, like sitting in a circle quietly, raising our hands, using the restroom.  Basic.  Tedious.  And necessary.  Especially for creating order and peace in our classrooms and in our homes.  

You’re already doing this, or at least you should be.  Do your little ones know what to do when you say, “It’s bed time!” or “Time to go bye bye!”?  If they run for their toothbrush in the first instance, or their shoes and jackets in the second, you’ve set up procedures in your home!  YAY!  If not, I suggest spending the first few days of summer practicing your new routines.

If you truly want to make your life easier, start expecting the same thing from your littles each time you move on to the next part of your day. 

For example, when it’s time for snack, we 1) wash our hands, 2) get our cups, 3) get into our seats, 4) wipe our hands when we are finished, 5) excuse ourselves from the table and 6) clean our spots.  They can do this, and you can, too!

I hope day one of my Summer Survival Series has your wheels turning with ideas of your own on how to put routines and procedures into practice in your home this summer.

Stop by again tomorrow to find out how I’m cracking down on chores, managing the behaviors in my home, and rewarding my little sweet peas for all of their hard work and good choices! ~ Boo

Summer Survival Tips – School’s OUT!

WOAH.  We are half way into May.  Summer is LESS THAN ONE WEEK away for my kiddos!  Here are my summer survival tips to ensure it’s packed with fun!

Boo’s Summer Series

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If you don’t know much about me, I’m Susie Pea’s oldest.  My name is Brooke (AKA Boo) and I have four sweet babies (two-thirds of the sweet peas you’ve read about).  They consist of a first grader, a three-days-a-week prekinder, and two littles with me at home, all day, every day. 

As crazy as I know it will inevitably be, summer is about to make my life a whole lot easier in many ways. And if I do the right prep work, it can stay that way!  I know you stay at home moms of school aged kiddos feel me right now…

Join me over the next two weeks for
INSIDER TIPS for surviving summer and making it AWESOME as I guest blog for Susie Pea’s!

My name is Brooke (AKA Boo) and I have four sweet babies
Hello Friends! I’m Brooke – mom of 4!!

Summer Survival Tips

BEFORE WE BEGIN with number one…LETS TAKE CARE OF NUMERO UNO.  Treat yo’ self!  We’ve heard it a thousand times, but when will we listen, Mommas??  You can’t take care of your tribe until you take care of yourself!!!  Consider doing some of the things below before summer starts for your own joy!!!

⦁ Set a routine for YOURSELF.  Rise early in the morning, have some quiet time, set aside time for chores and errands, exercise, tidy up and get ready for the next day, get to bed early, etc.  Don’t do what I tell you you should do, do what puts your mind and heart at peace!

Relax the Day Away. Enjoying some sweet fragrances in my bath - Summer Survival Tip
Survival Tips – Relax

⦁ Shower. For the love of GOD.  I like to “wash the day away” and take my showers after bedtime.  No littles running in to tattle or have me braid Barbie hair or wipe their nose… I put on some tunes or pray or think about my to do list…

⦁ Get out of your PJ’s!  Put on something you feel GOOD in. If you don’t have things in your closet that make you feel happy, get thrifty!!!  My mom, sister, and I love a good secondhand store.  Read more about our favorites in STL and how we “Shop the Look!”

⦁ Throw on some Makeup.  Just a tad.  I like to give my eyes a little love in the AM.  “Fake it ‘til you make it.”  ‘Cuz at least they won’t LOOK exhausted.

More Survival Tips

⦁ Take care of your health…Exercise.  Meal Prep.  Drink LOTS OF H2O!!!  I’ve lost 15 lbs. in 3 months on (kind of) KETO!!!  My mom is so much more disciplined than I am, but cutting carbs and sugar has been EASIER THAN I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED and I feel incredible.  Seriously.  I HATE DIETING AND EXERCISING.  I’m just making better choices!  And I haven’t looked at myself in the mirror this way since before baby #1. Check out my mom’s keto journey and start living a healthier life IMMEDIATELY.

⦁ Get organized.  Tidy spaces create serenity in our minds and souls!  I’m CLEARLY putting this on my GOALS list for the summer ‘cuz I suck at this…

⦁ Designate some quiet time during the day for yourself.  It’s good for grown ups, too!  Try to plan for it in the morning when the house is asleep, in the afternoon so you can recharge your battery for the evening ahead, and after bed time! Don’t you dare look at that to-do list.  Did you put this in your routine we just talked about?  ‘Cuz ya need to. The next three bullet points are full of great quiet time activities!

⦁ Read some good books.  Listen to some good podcasts.  Grow your mind! Here are the titles I’m diving into this summer…

 READ!!! OMGOODNESS.  READ.  Get to your local library.  Sign up for summer reading!  Make it FUN!  And please, please, please LET THEM SEE YOU READING! Summer Survival Tip
Survival Tips for Summer – What I’m Reading Now

⦁ Recharge with a cup of afternoon tea (or coffee or a glass of lemonade or a shot of tequila…jk…or am I?? *great survival tip*).

⦁ Get summer ready!  Haircut, cute swimsuit (what about this ROMPER?!), new baseball cap and sunglasses, tanning lotion, lip gloss, bath bombs, face masks, fingernail polish! Buy some fun beauty products on the cheap!  NOW USE THEM!

Now here we go…My “Baker’s Dozen” of To-do’s before the last school bell rings!!!

Summer To-Do List

1. SET ROUTINES.  Weekly, Daily, HOURLY.  Schedules that you can see and that the kids can see as well.


3. SIGN UP FOR ACTIVITIES! Library Summer Reading, Summer Camps, Vacation Bible School, Sports Camps, Sports Teams, Etc.

4. #GOALS. For everyone!  Learning.  Development.  Character.

5. EDUCATE.  Keep their little minds working all summer long

6. READ!!! OMGOODNESS.  READ.  Get to your local library.  Sign up for summer reading!  Make it FUN!  And please, please, please LET THEM SEE YOU READING!

7. QUIET TIME IS IMPORTANT. Set it each day.  Don’t skip it or they’ll remember.  Then those little manipulators will try to get you to skip it every day!  

8. LIMIT SCREEN TIME.  FOR REAL THIS TIME.  Set a rule.  Make it safe.  Don’t be lazy. 

9. Do some RAOK! Okay, I’m totally not cool enough to use that acronym…OR MAYBE I’M TOO COOL TO USE IT!  I’m talking about Random Acts of Kindness.  Spark some JOY!!!

10. OUTINGS! Parks, Zoo, Pool, Movies, Play Dates!  VISIT GRANDMA!!!

11. HAVE FUN AT HOME, TOO!  Backyard Exploring, Exercising, Arts & Crafts, Gardening! PLAY IN THE HOSE! Pajamas and Movie Marathon Day!!!

12. RAINY DAYS ARE FOR TRADITIONS!  Think of a fun tradition to do each time the skies are gray. 

13. THE SNUGGLE IS REAL.  Make time for each kiddo to have their own “snuggle night.” 

Summer Fun with These Sweet Peas

Brooke and her sweet peas, 4 beautiful babies.
My Own Little Pea Pod

I’m excited to spend the next two weeks with you!!! If you want to find out more about how I’m implementing each of these lovely ideas (survival tips), starting with my daily routines and schedules, check back tomorrow! ~Boo

Just incase you missed it, here are some fun things to do this summer –

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