Color Matching Activity
2 and 3 year old kiddos are working hard to learn their ABC’s, Counting, Shapes, & COLORS. Here is a great way to help them practice their color matching skills with items that you already have around the house.
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Gather Your Color Matching Supplies
- toys, kitchen supplies, crayons, blocks, cars, food (play or real), etc. Items that are a dominate color. Collect 5 items for each color.
- ALSO Collect at least one item that has 2 dominate colors and hold to the side for LAST item to be placed.
- foam circles, construction paper, colored buckets. Some type of ‘base’ to use to put colored items on/in as a guide.
- That’s it!!
Set Up Your Color Matching Game
Be sure that the items you pick have one dominate color. This will help allow for success and make the game fun. When things are too difficult, unsure kiddos will quickly lose interest and give up.
Sometimes when you give the child objects that have something else in common, like these crayons, the child will put the wrong color object onto the foam circle by the similar item. WOW! Amazing things just happened right there!
We are quick to think this is wrong. STOP – ask them why they think the yellow crayon goes here (above example). Their little brains are already categorizing in multiple ways. In this example, she grouped (categorizing skills) the crayons together even though they are different colors. We left it. No need to correct such an awesome mind growing thing!!
A Little Harder
Hold an item that has more than one dominate color for the end of the activity. There will not be a wrong answer here. Just see where they place it. Ask them the ‘Why’. It’s fun to hear their reasoning. Good job kiddos!! Let them try it again and again, until they lose interest.
Eye Spy is another great color game for little kids. Be patient, they are learning. What are some fun things you do with your kiddos for color fun? Check out some great fine motor and gross motor activities for toddlers here. And be sure to stop by my blog post on Grandma Camp. Tons of Toddler fun packed in there too! ~ Susie Peas.
Check out these Color Matching Games & Puzzles below. Great fun for your little ones. And I added the link to The Reading Bug Box. A perfect birthday gift for someone you love to read with. I like customizing mine to fit all of my Sweet Peas. ~Kim